Friday, June 12, 2009

Ok, I'll do it!

I've never any of these things before, s I'll do this one.

104 Things About Me:

1.  I go by my middle name.

2.  I'm a junior....thank goodness I go by my middle name or I'd be "junior this, junior that" all day long.

3.  I'm an only child.

4.  Even though I'm an only child my Father is 7th of 8 children and my Mother is 1st of 4.

5.  Even though I live in Atlanta I don't think it's the greatest city in the world.

6.  And I secretly wonder why so many athletes and famous people move here.

7.  And I think Chicago is actually the greatest city in the world.

8.  I've had asthma since I was 7.

9.  It stopped me from having athletic stamina.

10.  But it didn't stop me from playing a wind instrument.

11.  It's never acted up while I was playing.

12.  Except when I played a concert in college where the auditiorium we were playing in was filled with smoke from a fish fry.

13.  I briefly considered getting a performance degree and going to a conservatory.

14.  As much as I'd like to learn to play other instruments I just haven't mastered the one I'm on yet.

15.  I scored over 100% on a District audition in High School.

16.  I've played in Carnegie Hall.

17.  I've never had any formal training using vibrato, but I've used it without complaint for the past 15 years.

18.  I always wanted to learn to play jazz, but I was never allowed to join jazz band in High School or College.

19.  I have a 5 octave range.

20.  I wore contacts for about 2 years.

21.  But they got old really quick.

22.  My "thinking face" looks confused.

23.  I was a dork in High School.

24.  No one's surprised by that.

25.  I love Sour Cream and Onion Chips

26.  We used to have Charlie's Chips down here, those were my favorite.

27.  I ate croutons out of the box when I was a kid.

28.  But I liked Cheezits even more.

29.  I wasted alot of years not eating things that are really good.

30.  I stopped wasting time when Heather taught me how to eat.

31.  Especially broccoli.  Man am I an idiot?

32.  Until this October I had no idea what an Arnie Palmer was.

33.  I've probably had a dozen or so since then.

34.  When we go out and lamb is on the menu I don't pass it up.

35.  Because I know I'll be jealous when Heather orders it.

36.  Except at Sanaa at Disney. (I had the Short Ribs) 

37.  The first time I "met" Heather she was 17 and I was 19.  I'm not sure if we ran into each other two years earlier.

38.  I didn't actually know I was meeting her since we were at a music camp.

39.  I was a counselor and she was a student.

40.  We met again two years later.

41.  I asked her to marry me the first time we talked on the phone.

42.  Here we are 3 kids and nearly 10 years later.

43.  I used to be really annoyed by Christians.

44.  Especially Christians who kept telling me I needed Jesus because I might die tomorrow.

45.  It took 10 years after first hearing that for my Pastor to explain that you need Jesus so you can live tomorrow.

46.  I went to a formerly Baptist university.

47.  I say formerly because they don't have any ties to the church now.

48.  And because I've never seen so many drunk people in my life.

49.  I don't drink.

50.  I don't smoke either.

51.  I've never done drugs.

52.  I get tired of people of who don't get that having a wife and children is more important than their crap.

53.  I teach.

54.  I wish I taught High School.

55.  But I'm not crying about it.

56.  I've had 26 different Principals and Assistant Principals in 9 years of teaching.

57.  I once had to explain to an administrator why Woodwinds are softer than Brass instruments.

58.  I've marched the Orange Bowl Parade.

59.  I was on the outside of my row.  Even my friends from Illinois saw me on TV.

60.  I once had to knock a drunk guy down with my instrument marching to a football stadium in college.

61.  In my family, I'm the person who gets on the horn and gets stuff done.

62.  I thank God everyday that I married Heather.

63.  I honestly think she's the only person who would even consider laughing at half the things I say and do(even if it is begrudgingly.)

64.  I know I'm not funny.

65.  But sometimes I like to pretend that I am.

66.  My High School Band went to Midwest the December after I graduated.

67.  I went with my Community Band 7 years later.

68.  I knew I was good when my Band Director referred to me as a"killer".

69.  I wish I liked Hockey more.

70.  My favorite sport is Basketball.

71.  After that it's Football.

72.  Baseball comes in 3rd.

73.  I'll follow any sport that looks remotely interesting.

74.  We love the Olympics in our house.

75.  I participated in the Ceremonies at the 1996 Olympics.

76.  And I played in the Cultural Olympiad.

77.  I'll never forget when they announced that Atlanta was getting the Olympics.

78.  Heather cracks me up.

79.  At least once every 2 or 3 days she says something that's so funny it makes weak and I'm on the floor laughing.

80.  Actually, Heather makes me weak in the knees.

81.  I never really understood the infield fly rule.

82.  Heather showed me that Softball is the only women's sport that is as entertaining or more entertaining than it's men's counterpart.

83.  I've been a Lakers fan since the 1983 Finals.

84.  I've been a 49ers fan since the 1983 NFC Title Game.

85.  I've always been a Braves fan.

86.  All of this in spite of the fact that I am a native Georgian.

87.  For the longest time, MacGyver was my FAVORITE TV show.

88.  It recently was supplanted by NUMB3RS.

89.  I have no desire to be at work constantly.

90.  I wonder why other people do.

91.  I hate it when parents refer to watching their kids as "babysitting".

92.  Good artistry impresses me, regardless of the field.

93.  I still wonder why Pete Rose isn't in the Hall of Fame.

94.  My kids are hilarious.

95.  Our cats are afraid of thunderstorms.

96.  So am I.

97.  I hate it when dentists lie and say they are "fun".

98.  I love good music.

99.  I hate bad music.

100.  I hate it when people don't take pride in their work.

101.  It makes me feel better when I see someone that does.

102.  I am a great seller.

103.  Heather's better than me.

104.  I love Heather desperately.

The End. 

1 comment:

  1. 58 & 59...Me too! Except it was my family in Illinois. And Ohio. And Wisconsin. And you were probably about 6 when I was in it...
