Saturday, August 29, 2009

A day without a perdurable is like a day without sunshine

Yeah, I know, sounds weird, but I like the idea.  According to the magic of the internet a perdurable is:  Very durable; lasting; continuing long.  Like a perdurable truth....something that you can teach your kids or, if you teach school, your students.  Something like "Perfect practice makes a perfect performance" or "Anything is possible."  (Personally, I like the Adidas slogan 'Impossible is Nothing', but my kids don't really get abstract advertising yet.)

The perdurable for the day:  John Wooden says "Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts."  

My baby has courage.  The FP is 4 we go hiking today and she walked up to 3 different people today who were walking their dogs and said "Can we pet your dog please?" with no trepidation whatsoever.

We've always said our kids were fearless, but this is just the coolest thing...they have little to no fear.  It will serve them well.  

I wish I was fearless, but you know what?  That's what I can wish for my kids to have better than me.
