Saturday, June 20, 2009

Man, I wish I could do this more often...

So, we had a loss of a job in the family.  Not a major one, but still a significant amount of money every month down the toilet.  This couldn't be helped.  Companies are cutting all over the place. All I can say is, at least I'm a teacher and musician (meaning there's lots of ways to supplement my income.)  So, it's a solveable problem. I'm going to pick up some more private students when the school year starts, but I found a ton of writing jobs online that looked fun.

If you can tell from reading my blog you probably realize that the jobs I most wanted related to sports.  I actually posted an update on twitter on that said "I wish I could write sports blogs all day."  Man, if I knew how to make money on that I'd do it in a heartbeat.  I'd be like the Sports Guy lite.  But, I'm not moving to LA and buying Clippers season tickets!  I can't!  (I mean, I'm a Lakers fan.  That would just be sacrilege.)

So, I'm thinking of actually doing a sports blog, going all the way with it.  I also thought about writing on music, but once again, how does one ACTUALLY produce income based on advertising from a website.  That has got to be a hard deal.  I'll tell you, I don't see how you would do it.

So, we're working it out.  

On a happier note, we're going to Augusta for our anniversary next month!  We've been to Savannah a few times, but that's just too far when we're going for one night.  Augusta seemed like the next best place.  Before you even ask, NO I'm not going to play golf or get anywhere near Augusta National.  Two things you need to know about me:  1)  I don't play golf.  2)  I have a high respect for the game and that's why I don't play it.  

Not to get off on a tangent here but I can't help it.  I was in an instrumental methods class in college.  That's the one you take your senior year to LEARN HOW TO TEACH.  In that class my professor (also known as college band director) suggested that if we wanted to get connected to people and become influential as music educators we should learn to play golf.  ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!  Ok buddy, if you like golf, fine, play it.  It takes WAY TO MUCH TIME!  I like being at home.  That's why I bought a live in it!  This is the same person I used to tell at like 9 or 10 at night when I was still in the music building to go home.  Constantly.  At least twice a week for 3 years.  Now I know why he can't teach.  He's trying too hard.  Being in your office all the time doesn't make you makes your family lonely.

Alright, back to Augusta.  I found this cool B&B near the Riverwalk(the room has a balcony and an antique sleigh bed, how cool!?) and a cool restaurant to eat dinner and a very cool cafe to eat lunch at on our anniversary.  I'll report on it when we get back.  I've never actually been there, so it seems like Savannah-lite.  Heather will be pregnant and possibly feeling it when we go so just a nice light city and a little walking should be nice.  I'll give Augusta this, it's so small that you just find a pocket and stay in it and you're cool.  Everything is bunched together.  It's not like living in Atlanta where it takes 30 minutes to get everywhere.  Yuck!

So, if you know how to make money writing a blog, please tell me, I'd totally do it...and like it!  Otherwise...peace. 

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